Prior to making use of any Chroma key studio, it becomes important to understand and learn something about the various stages that are seen whilst using such a studio for video editing or by films and various other production houses. Why it is important is because it would help later when a tool is used in actuality and also so that you can create some amazing effects in the pictures clicked by you. A lot of studios usually have a special room or area that is reserved for movie production helped by Chroma key technology. There have been instances when temporary rooms have been set up and where the screens are brought into use as background screen. In order to understand the stages, it is always better to begin with the basics. To get started, gathering materials, is necessary. The material would serve as great level help. It could be cardboard or in a few cases even the wall serves that purpose. Another step that may be brought into utilization is paint and this is where selecting the right color is necessary. A lot of people do use blue but nothing works better than green.
There are easily available green screen studios that could drastically assist you in creating amazing creations. Green screen stage bears a direct effect upon the quality and the final product of an image. The selection of the material to be used is essential if you desire getting smooth effect in the images. The subject is made to stand with a backdrop which could be of any material and it becomes essential that the subject is made to stand within the green frame for the best effect. On the list of various stages even proper lighting arrangement and body suit come. With lighting, apt effects can be achieved and body suit could be used to hide a subject and dramatize the background or create other striking effects in an image or even videos. These stages remain the same to be used while filming, photography, etc.